Kate began her professional journey as a physiotherapist when she qualified from the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, with a Masters (pre-registration) in 2009. Prior to this, she completed a BSc (Hons) in Pharmacology at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Kate began her career as a rotational physiotherapist, before specialising in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, working across a variety of public and private sector practices.
With over 10 years clinical experience, Kate has gained expertise in a wide variety of musculoskeletal disciplines, including specialist spine care clinics, hand therapy, pain management, vestibular physiotherapy, orthopaedics, sports injuries, and much more. Her special interests include differential diagnoses, pain mechanisms, rehabilitation, evidence informed treatment approaches and the therapeutic alliance.
Kate currently works as an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner in the NHS within an integrated orthopaedic team specialising in the management of upper limb conditions, and as a first contact practitioner.

Learning & Teaching
An experienced Physiotherapy Lecturer, for just under 3 years Kate designed and delivered classes to undergraduate, pre-registration and post-graduate students in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Health & Wellbeing and Advancing Clinical Skills modules at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. Kate is also a guest lecturer at Napier University, Edinburgh.
Kate completed Practice Educator Training in 2012 and has mentored students on clinical placement over the years. She continues to provide mentorship for students and qualified physiotherapy staff through various shadowing opportunities, in-service training and clinical support and supervision.
Outreach activities
In her spare time, Kate has been involved with the online physiotherapy education platforms Trust-Me Education and Physio Matters. She provides regular physiotherapy training and delivers masterclasses and online webinars on various clinical and professional topics. She has presented at several public events, updated clinical guidelines for the NHS and remains actively involved in audit and research.